Thursday, August 26, 2010


To be honest, Rome is not that good. The Vatican was pretty boring, and -- I really hope some of you guys bought that. No, Rome is amazing. We took a bus to the Vatican at 5:30am to beat the crowds, walked around for awhile, and then went to mass inside. The light came through the windows and shone on the main alter visibly, it was awesome. From inside, the main dome of St. Peter's is astonishingly high. Everything in the Vatican was much bigger and on a much grander scale than I imagined, too. After the Vatican, we stopped at a cafe, and ordered these ridiculously good buns filled with chocolate .. I wish I could remember what they were called. Not to mention Gelato might be the most delicious thing I've ever tasted; we went to one of the more famous ones in Rome. We also saw the Trevi Fountain, Castel Sant'Angelo, the Pantheon, and many more. Check out the pictures! Definetly going back ASAP.

Monday, August 23, 2010


It's 5pm here in Rome, and life is good. Everyone's name is Fabio and has one of these. The campus is amazing, and other than the fact that tap water in Italy is disguising, no complaints on this end. We'll be headed into the Vatican tomorrow for mass and a basic tour of Rome, I'll keep you guys posted. For now, check the pics of the campus!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

An Introduction

What's up guys, thanks for dropping by, and welcome to my blog. I'm spending this upcoming Fall semester with the University of Dallas in Rome, and I'll be documenting my shenanigans during the trip here. Don't tell my parents, but I'll be relying on coins from the Trevi Fountain to pay my way through the semester. Wish me luck!